
Hello there!👋
I am Hitansh Shah. I am an undergradudate at IIT Varanasi (BHU) pursuing Mathematics and Computing and I am expected to graduate in the year 2025.
I was introduced to the world of programming in my freshman year of college. I began to pursue various topics and areas of programming. I always try to learn new things and keep experimenting around various fields/subfields to see what best fits my interest. Apart from that, I ❤️ contributing to open-source.

I started off with web-development and I still love to create creative web-apps. I learnt MERN stack as my first tech-stack for full stack development and then went on to learn and work with various other tech-stacks like Django, python, NextJS etc.
I am also very much interested in Web3 and would love to collaborate on any blockchain related projects.


This is a DApp built on Ethereum for handling warranty in form of NFTs. It allows the admin to mint Warranty NFTs for the customers. Customers are provided with a dashboard to track all their NFTs.


Technobar is a MERN stack web-app. It helps developers to connect and view the skills of other developers who have registered on this platform. It is deployed on heroku. Go and register now!


This is a chrome extension which allows you to watch youtube videos in full screen mode while keeping the browser in window-mode. Additionally it provides ability to zoom in and zoom out.


REST APIs made with NodeJS, ExpressJs and MongoDB. It provides basic CRUD features for 'user' and 'task' creations. I have used JWT tokens to implement authentication.


This is a desktop application which allows user to get the details of a song by entering its name and the name of its artist. It gives various details like the lyrics of the song, it's album, etc.

Made with ❤️ by Hitansh-Shah
Copyright © 2022 | Hitansh Shah